Who Am I?
I am not that
I am not that I of little ego
I am not unreal being
I am not the mind of error
I am not the body of flesh
I am not the stupid emotions
I am not this superficial life
I am not limited to one family or tribe
I am not limited to one jingoistic nation
I am not limited to one proud religion
I am not on for the Surface activities
I am not for career, money, power and sex
I am not for prestige, success, pains and suffering
I am not to quit this Earthly Life
I am not for illusory world
I am not that superficial experience
I am not that outer imprisoned persona
I am not that outer “I” but an inner “I”
I am That
I am OM
I am the Absolute
I am the Truth Consciousness
I am a true being not a superficial being
I am that carrier of the Divine within me
I am that Real being, the Purusha present within
I am that Witness Soul, the spark of the Divine
I am That representative of the Divine
I am charged by His Consciousness
I am present only within not on surface
I am that limitless soul, the Psychic
I am that soul only to aspire and progress
I am born to connect and merge
I am only to surrender my surface being
I am meant to live on that Eternal Truth
I am born to release from my outer ego
I am Perfection, the Divine Reality
I am the vast superconscient
I am that profound Presence
I am Ananda, Bliss, Love and Oneness
I am His calm, joyous, radiating Instrument
I am not the dual life but only One Life for the One
I am the immortal Soul, the timeless and spaceless
I am just a dot in this Cosmic creation
I am to dissolve my little ego into universal vastness
I am the cosmic immensity
I am not complete even at cosmic level
I am the transcendent being
I am beyond my limited mind’s imagination
I am beyond the formula of mind, vital or body
I am the absolute Power, Truth, Bliss of the Eternal
I am the carrier of Divine Truth Consciousness
I am born to manifest secret God within
I am that Self, that Eternal Spirit
I am One in Many, Many in One
I am on Earth only due to the power of Divine Grace
I am sent to use the witness Purusha control the outer nature
I am only sent to realise the Divine not outer glory
I am here to make this Earthly life Divine