Time has come
The Mother:
Now the time has come to make the home itself the abode of God. Not to run about in search of God leaving the home to its fate.
…the time has come when some beings among the élite of humanity, who fulfill the conditions necessary for spiritualisation, will be able to transform their bodies with the help of the supramental Force, Consciousness and Light, so as no longer to be animal-men but become supermen.
The time has come for the rule of falsehood to end. In the Truth alone is salvation.
… now the time of Falsehood is over, this is the Reign of the Supreme.
The time of religions is over. We have entered the age of universal spirituality, of spiritual experience in its initial purity. …
The time has come to rely only on the Divine Will and to let it work FREELY through you.
… now the time of Falsehood is over, this is the Reign of the Supreme.
I repeat — the time has come at last, not to rely any more on one’s own petty will, to hand over the whole affair to the Divine’s Will and to let It do Its work through you, not only through your mind and feelings, but mainly through the body — and if you do it sincerely, all this body nonsense will disappear and you will be strong and fit for your work.
Yes, the time of proclamations and revelations has past; now is the time of action.
But even supposing that you have not taken the irrevocable decision at the outset, if you have the good fortune to be alive at one of those extraordinary moments in universal history when the Grace is present, incarnate on earth, It will give you once again, at certain exceptional moments, the possibility of making a final choice that will lead you straight to the goal.