The Mother on Reading Newspapers & Magazines
The Mother: “If you want to know what is really happening in the world, you should not read newspapers of any sort, for they are full of lies. “To read a newspaper is to take part in the greatest collective falsehoods.”
Q. Sweet Mother, How should we choose the kind of things that we ought or ought not to read? Is it good to do “light reading” — newspapers and magazines, for instance?
The Mother: Ordinary newspapers, magazines and books such as novels are meant for lazy-minded people who do not read in order to learn anything, but simply for amusement and relaxation. This is a pursuit for people who take life as it comes and are quite unconcerned about progress or a deeper understanding of things.
Some people read to find out what is going on in the world and is indicative of human progress; in addition to reading, they may go to the cinema and listen to the radio.
People who read in order to develop a good style ought to read a lot, and they should choose books of literary merit.
Some people read in order to learn. They should choose instructive books on the subject or subjects they are interested in: philosophy, science, art, etc.
And then there are the very few who want to understand life, its purpose and its goal. For them, Sri Aurobindo’s books are the best reading of all.
Blessings. 10 September 1969
Q. Sweet Mother, How would we know what is happening in other countries and even in our own if we did not read newspapers? At least we get some idea from them, don’t we? Or would it be better not to read them at all?
The Mother: I did not say that you must not read newspapers. I said that you must not blindly believe everything you read; you should know that the truth is altogether different.
Blessings. 4 February 1970
Q. Sweet Mother, How can we know the truth of the facts when reading newspapers? What is the best way of knowing the truth of the world?
The Mother: The best way is to find the truth in ourselves — then we shall be able to see the Truth wherever it is.
Blessings. 5 February 1970
Q. Z told me that if I had no time to read newspapers, I should at least glance at them. I asked him, “Is it a law that we must read newspapers?” He answered, “I have to know what is going on in the world too; I am not a sannyasi.”
The Mother: I am not a sannyasi and I never read a newspaper! I don’t have time for it.
It is difficult to read newspapers without having the consciousness descend to a very ordinary level. Only when the consciousness is firmly established in union with the Divine is it possible to read newspapers without any risk of falling into a lower consciousness.
5 December 1933
Q. Mother, Your note about reading newspapers was shown to me yesterday. Now tell me personally for myself. I have been reading regularly since I was 13. If you say that I have to stop reading them, I can.
The Mother: Not necessary to stop. You must have got the discrimination. 4 February 1970