The Need of the Hour

Sanjeev Patra
25 min readJun 4, 2022


Q. What is the need of the hour?

The Mother: Sincerity.

Do not try to deceive the Divine.

This human hour, this earthly hour is the most beautiful of all the hours.

— The Mother

Table of Contents

1. What is the Hour of God?. 4

1.1 This is Hour of The Divine Mother. 7

1.2 God Descends when Falsehood is at its Peak. 7

1.2 A Decisive Hour — Supramental Force in Action Now.. 8

1.3 Time Has Come for the….. 10

1.4 Time has Come for the Heroic Soul 10

1.5 This is An Exceptional Hour. 11

1.6 The Moment is Now.. 12

1.7 The Moment of Transition. 12

1.8 Time of No Lethargy, Pretension or Division. 13

2. What Should We Do in this Hour of God?. 14

2.1 Keep our Goal Clear. 14

2.1 Keep Faith in the Divine Mother. 15

2.3 Yearn for Perfection. 16

2.4 Shift to a Wide and All-inclusive Spiritual Consciousness. 16

2.5 Learn to discriminate between Truth and falsehood. 17

2.6 Have Love and Goodwill for All 17

2.7 Absolute Faith in the Divine. 18

2.8 Need A Change of Consciousness. 18

2.9 Time to Follow an Avatar. 19

2.10 Follow the Truth of Our Existence. 20

2.11 Descent of New Light into Man’s Consciousness. 20

2.12 Spiritual Education Only for Flowering of Truth. 21

2.13 Read the Books of the Master and Live as per their ideal 22

2.14 Time to Work for the Collective Mass. 22

2.15 Turn Every Crisis and Difficulties into A Step towards The Goal 22

2.16 Accept Death as Spirit’s Opportunity. 23

2.17 No Division Mindset but Mindset of Unity and Harmony. 23

2.18 Never to Fall Into Idiot Hours. 24

2.19 Follow the Leader Present Within. 24

2.20 Time to Kick the Ego Out. 24

2.21 Enter into Inner Silence. 24

2.22 Never get into any Restful Comfort Zone. 24

2.23 Never Forget our Rich Spiritual Heritage. 25

2.24 Only Way for Survival — Nama Japa. 25

1. What is the Hour of God?

It was the hour before the Gods awake.
Across the path of the divine Event
The huge foreboding mind of Night, alone
In her unlit temple of eternity,
. . .
A power of fallen boundless self awake
Between the first and the last Nothingness,
Recalling the tenebrous womb from which it came,
Turned from the insoluble mystery of birth
And the tardy process of mortality
And longed to reach its end in vacant Nought.
As in a dark beginning of all things,
A mute featureless semblance of the Unknown
Repeating for ever the unconscious act,

Sri Aurobindo (in Savitri)

The Hour of God

Sri Aurobindo: There are moments when the Spirit moves among men and the breath of the Lord is abroad upon the waters of our being; there are others when it retires and men are left to act in the strength or the weakness of their own egoism. The first are periods when even a little effort produces great results and changes destiny; the second are spaces of time when much labour goes to the making of a little result. It is true that the latter may prepare the former, may be the little smoke of sacrifice going up to heaven which calls down the rain of God’s bounty.

Unhappy is the man or the nation which, when the divine moment arrives, is found sleeping or unprepared to use it, because the lamp has not been kept trimmed for the welcome and the ears are sealed to the call. But thrice woe to them who are strong and ready, yet waste the force or misuse the moment; for them is irreparable loss or a great destruction.

In the hour of God cleanse thy soul of all self-deceit and hypocrisy and vain self-flattering that thou mayst look straight into thy spirit and hear that which summons it. All insincerity of nature, once thy defence against the eye of the Master and the light of the ideal, becomes now a gap in thy armour and invites the blow. Even if thou conquer for the moment, it is the worse for thee, for the blow shall come afterwards and cast thee down in the midst of thy triumph. But being pure cast aside all fear; for the hour is often terrible, a fire and a whirlwind and a tempest, a treading of the winepress of the wrath of God; but he who can stand up in it on the truth of his purpose is he who shall stand; even though he fall, he shall rise again; even though he seem to pass on the wings of the wind, he shall return. Nor let worldly prudence whisper too closely in thy ear; for it is the hour of the unexpected.

The Mother’s New Year Message: 1967

“Men, countries, continents! The choice is imperative: Truth or the abyss.”

The Mother was asked about the above message:

Why is the Choice imperative?

The Mother: Because we are at one of the “hours of God” as Sri Aurobindo puts it — and the transforming evolution of the world has taken a hastened and intensified movement. 30 April 1967

Q. What is the need of the hour?

The Mother: Sincerity.

Do not try to deceive the Divine.

This human hour, this earthly hour is the most beautiful of all the hours.

1.1 This is Hour of The Divine Mother

Sri Aurobindo:

An hour arrives when fail all Nature’s means;

Forced out from the protecting Ignorance

And flung back on his naked primal need,

He at length must cast from him his surface soul

And be the ungarbed entity within:

That hour had fallen now on Savitri.

Q. In what way does the Mother do the sadhana for the sadhaks?

The Mother: The sadhana is done by the Mother according to the truth and necessity of each nature and of each plane of Nature. It is not one fixed process.

13 September 1933

1.2 God Descends when Falsehood is at its Peak

In order to establish a new consciousness in the world or for the resurgence of religion, the Supreme descends upon the earth, saves the virtuous and destroys the wicked.

“Paritrãnãya sadhoonãm

binasãya cha dushkrutam │


sambhabãmi yuge yuge ║”

(Gitã , Chapter 4 — Verse 8).

The Divine takes incarnations through aeons and aeons in order to destroy the wicked and deliver the saints.

Due to the working of the Divine Grace when the profligates are turned to the Divine, they are gradually liberated from their flaws. When in the behavior of such people ‘adharma’ or ignorance is removed and ‘dharma’ is reflected, then the ‘dharma’ or the standard of Truth is established in the world and the sages and saints are protected. Those who do not want to relinquish their own flaws and inflict pain upon others for the satisfaction of their selfish ends, they are called the ‘asuras’. They are destroyed by the Divine.

In this world, nobody is completely free from imperfections, everybody has in him some blemish or the other; but the degree of imperfections might be less or more. The individual becomes completely impeccable after he realizes the Divine. If the persons stained with blemish will be driven out of the world, then the Divine will have to demolish the world and create a new one.

The transformation of the mind, the vital and the body and the realization of the Divine in the transmuted mind and vital and body are to be considered as the most important things in life. After having accepted this noble goal, one should try to remove the injustice and the falsehood from one’s life. By the above, one can achieve the welfare of one’s own self and that of the world. This is only the Will of the Divine. The individual has come to this world to achieve this goal. The life of the individual reaches its point of fulfilment only through this. For the fulfilment of this aim only, the Mother’s blessing is absolutely essential.

Babaji Maharaj

The Mother: Lord, give us the strength to reject falsehood and emerge in Thy truth, pure and worthy of Thy victory.

This is no question of general theory; it belongs to the actuality of things. The Asura is the force of falsehood, antidivine, which reigns as sovereign over the physical world; his influence is felt everywhere, it is in everything in Matter. But the time has now come when the separation, the purification, can be made, the falsehood, the Asuric influence, rejected and there can be an exclusive living in the Divine Truth.

1.2 A Decisive Hour — Supramental Force in Action Now

The Mother: O Lord, the hour of Thy manifestation has come and soon canticles of rejoicing will burst forth from all sides.

Sri Aurobindo writes in Savitri:

A few shall see what none yet understands;

God shall grow up while the wise men talk and sleep;

For man shall not know the coming till its hour

And belief shall be not till the work is done.

We all are at a decisive hour of human history. We all are intermediate state of human evolution. Mankind is in the process towards Supramental Transformation. We have a vast Goal set in front of us. Unexpected things are happening in front of us. All the entities in this Universe are in the state of constant evolution. From matter to plants to animals to man, everyone is experiencing the power of Evolutionary forces surrounding all.

We should not limit ourselves and our vast power to mindless lowly human qualities such as hatred, anger, jealousy, sycophancy, greed, hankering for power, prestige, fame, money, wealth. Instead of uniting with all in our consciousness, we keep fighting, we make groups to fight amongst ourselves from individual level to nation level. When shall we grow up when Divine Hour is knocking our doors, trying to uplift our consciousness.

Every circumstance, event, or happening (small or big), every incident (from small to big), every accident (from small to big) is part of the vast scheme of the Divine Mother. Everything has a meaning, every line has a meaning, every word that we hear has meaning, everything that we see has also some meaning and purpose. We are not created by accidents, we have a special mission to fulfill. We all have tremendous possibilities to collaborate in the Mother’s Mission. We have to accept every calamity, every accident as a part of God’s big Divine Plan.

Sri Aurobindo writes:

Time’s accidents are steps in its vast scheme.

The Mother: …the time has come when some beings among the élite of humanity, who fulfill the conditions necessary for spiritualisation, will be able to transform their bodies with the help of the supramental Force, Consciousness and Light, so as no longer to be animal-men but become supermen.

Sri Aurobindo says, in the Supramental age, eternal can be felt in every moment. That time has come now.

There is only the eternal in extension and the eternal can be felt in the momentary.

1.3 Time Has Come for the…

1.4 Time has Come for the Heroic Soul

The Mother: It’s a soul that has been chosen, it has become conscious because its hour has come — once the hour has come, well, the result will follow more or less quickly. You can do this in a few months; you can do it in some years; you can do it in some lives — but you will do it. And once you are chosen, it is ineluctable, you can’t escape even if you try.

You chose because you were chosen. And once you have been chosen, you are sure of the thing. Therefore, doubts, hesitations, depressions, uncertainties, all this is quite simply a waste of time and energy; it is of no use at all…that it is God who has chosen you, the Divine who has chosen you. And that is why you run after Him!

The Mother: It is the hour to be heroic and the Divine help will always be with those who have resolved to be heroic in full sincerity.

The greatest spirits are therefore those who have no fear of future, who accept the challenge and its wager; they have sublime trust in the God or Power that guides the world.

1.5 This is An Exceptional Hour

We should treat this Hour of God as an exceptional hour, as we are fortunate to see the birth of a new world. Time has come to be the forerunner of the Supramental Age. Let’s not waste this precious hours by useless gossips, vital indulgences, mental cunningness and physical lethargy. Let us collaborate with the Mother for Her Mission in making Earth conducive and open to accept the Supramental Force in every particle of this Earth and in every creation.

The Mother: If one could remember that it is an exceptional hour, that we have the invaluable privilege of being present at the birth of a new world.

The Mother: We are at one of these “Hours of God,” when the old bases get shaken and there is a great confusion; but it is a wonderful opportunity for those who want to leap forward, the possibility of progress is exceptional. Will you not be of those who take advantage of it?

We are at a decisive hour in the history of the earth. It is preparing for the coming of the superman and because of this the old way of life is losing its value. We must strike out boldly on the path of the future despite its new demands. The pettinesses once tolerable, are tolerable no longer. We must widen ourselves to receive what is going to come.

I know that this is a time of trouble for you and everybody. It is so for the whole world. Confusion, trouble, disorder and upset everywhere is the general state of things. The better things that are to come are preparing or growing under a veil and the worse are prominent everywhere. The one thing is to hold on and hold out till the hour of light has come.

“At the very moment when everything seems to go from bad to worse, it is then that we must make a supreme act of faith and know that the Grace will never fail us.’’

The Mother: The hours before the dawn are always the darkest.

The servitude just before freedom comes is the most painful of all.

But in the heart endowed with faith burns the eternal flame of hope which leaves no room for discouragement. — 1961

1.6 The Moment is Now

The Mother:

The evolution from man to divine man is an even more momentous event than the evolution from animal to thinking animal. And the moment is NOW.

Sri Aurobindo in Savitri:

A moment sees, the ages toil to express.

The moments stretched towards the eternal Now,

The hours discovered immortality,

All moments blaze in an eternal year.

The moments bring Thee on their fiery wings;

1.7 The Moment of Transition

The Mother: There are, in the history of the earth, moments of transition when things that have existed for thousands of years must give way to those that are about to manifest.

There’s not a moment in the world which does not bring something new, for the world is perpetually growing. If one is conscious of that, one has always something new to learn.

1.8 Time of No Lethargy, Pretension or Division

When Supramental Force is in action, it will not tolerate any treachery, lethargy, egoistic vital or physical lethargy or cleverness or pretension. There will be rapid conversion of human race and quick transformation from the present ordinary egoistic and ignorant lives of humans.

Sri Aurobindo: There is then no longer any necessity for the slow pace of the ordinary evolution; there can be rapid conversion, quick transformation after transformation, what would seem to our normal present mind a succession of miracles.

1. Strengthen the base, to build ourselves on a solid foundation, physically, mentally and vitally, so that we can withstand her pressures, support her action without shrinking.

2. A continuous aspiration, a sincerity to push forward whatever resists change, whatever is to be eliminated without mercy, without self-deception, to scrutinise and bring out from oneself whatever stands in the way and expose it to her workings.

The wrath of Mahakali manifests from time to time and acts all right, but the effect of it does not last because those who answer to the adverse force do not truly want to be cured. They are not sincere.

2. What Should We Do in this Hour of God?

2.1 Keep our Goal Clear

Divine Mother is the goal of our life, nothing else. For our soul, nothing and no one matters other than the Divine, the Eternal God Present within us. Nothing and no one should disturb/distract us from achieving that goal.

Q. The Divine is the true supreme goal of our life. We must fulfill the Divine will. But who is the Divine, and what is the Divine will?

The Mother: These are things one cannot speak about; they have to be discovered through personal experiences.

He is the eternal Truth that we look in ourselves to discover.

2.1 Keep Faith in the Divine Mother

The simplest and the easily obtainable way to advance in the divine path is to keep faith and trust in the Mother. If this much is accomplished, the rest of the needful Sadhana will come at the right time. Any person who intends to receive the Divine grace, has to take refuge in the Divine and must, at any cost, reject the bad qualities. With the help of all these efforts one can avail oneself of the Divine grace. Still, the Divine grace acts within the confines of these rules and also rises much above these rules. The Divine grace is not restricted to the confines of any rituals; it always remains independent of all things. Hence it is the duty of the individual to perform the action stated above, by which he can receive the grace. — Babaji Maharaj

Sri Aurobindo: We have only to remain quiet and confident, unshakeable in our faith and trust in the Divine’s Grace. — — Sri Aurobindo

1 July 1935

2.3 Yearn for Perfection

This is an excellent opportunity and hour for all of us to make ourselves fit in all aspects for the Divine Life. Our Aim is not Success, but Perfection. The Mother says if we yearn for perfection at any cost despite all the difficulties, we will achieve our goal.

2.4 Shift to a Wide and All-inclusive Spiritual Consciousness

We have to come out of all sorts of narrowness and have to become more wide, and boundless, and inclusive within. We have to be so wide in our thoughts that we must contain the whole world in our soul’s embrace. All are unique souls, all are overcoming their nature and progressing towards Perfection. We have to expand in our consciousness in the wideness of the soul’s light. We need to inculcate the sense of Divine qualities within such as compassion, gratitude and love for all.

How can we improve the quality of life in India? How can we satisfy the basic needs of mind, life and body and the deeper needs of the human soul and spirit? One can find solutions to these questions neither by political, social and economic reform, nor by better education and advanced technology. A shift from our present egoistic consciousness to a wide and all-inclusive spiritual consciousness is the need of the hour. — MV Nadkarni

Sri Aurobindo:

The presence of the Eternal in the hours

Widening the mortal mind’s half-look on things,

Bridging the gap between man’s force and Fate

Made whole the fragment-being we are here. — in Savitri

2.5 Learn to discriminate between Truth and falsehood

We must learn to discriminate between Truth and falsehood in the impulses of action.

The Mother: Those who wish to help the Light of Truth to prevail over the forces of darkness and falsehood, can do so by carefully observing the initiating impulses of their movements and actions, and discriminating between those that come from the Truth and those that come from the falsehood, in order to obey the first and to refuse or reject the others.

This power of discrimination is one of the first effects of the Advent of the Truth’s Light in the earth’s atmosphere. Indeed it is very difficult to discriminate the impulses of Truth from the impulses of falsehood, unless one has received this special gift of discrimination that the Light of Truth has brought.

However, to help at the beginning, one can take as a guiding rule that all that brings with it or creates peace, faith, joy, harmony, wideness, unity and ascending growth comes from the Truth; while all that carries with it restlessness, doubt, scepticism, sorrow, discord, selfish narrowness, inertia, discouragement and despair comes straight from the falsehood.

22 January 1965

2.6 Have Love and Goodwill for All

Q. What should be the attitude of the sadhak of Sri Aurobindo’s yoga towards the various forms of God worshipped by different religions in the past and the present? If he continues to worship them, will it create an obstacle to his progress and prevent his realisation of his aim?

The Mother: A benevolent goodwill towards all worshippers.

An enlightened indifference towards all religions. As for the relation with the beings of the Overmind, if this relation exists already, each case must have its own solution.

— —

In this hour of God love will be widened into universal love.

The Mother: Love would remain, all forms of the pure truth of love in higher and higher steps till it realised its highest nature, widened into universal love, merged into the love of the Divine.

2.7 Absolute Faith in the Divine

Q. Why is faith so supremely important in yoga?

The Mother: Because we are aiming at something quite new that has never been done before.

The Mother: The Divine Will acting in the subconscient: the rare moments when the Divine asserts Himself visibly.

2.8 Need A Change of Consciousness

The Mother: “The world is preparing for a big change. Will you help?”

(New Year message for 1970)

Q.1 What is the big change for which the world is preparing? How can one help it? What is the big change for which the world is preparing?

The Mother: A change of consciousness. And when our consciousness will change we will know what the change is.

Q.2. How can one help this change to come?

The Mother: The change does not need our help to come, but we need to open ourselves to the consciousness so that its coming is not in vain for us.

19 February 1970

Q. How should we help the big change in the world, about which your New Year’s Message speaks?

The best way of helping is to let the Consciousness that has come down upon earth work in you for transformation.

9 January 1970

What is it “to work for the Future’’?

To begin with, not to stick to the old habits individual and national.

May this year be a year of luminous peace in the joy that comes from true kindness — the human child of Divine Compassion.

Let us hope also that this year will not pass without bringing us together once more.

Let the dawn of the New Year be for us also the dawn of a new and better life.

Mother, dispel all my ignorance and egoism with the first ray of sunlight of the New Year.

Make Your Light shine out in me and may this Light give birth in me to a consciousness full of Your supreme delight.

Yes, the New Year must dispel the smoke of ignorance and make the Light shine forth.

My blessings are with you.

The Mother:

Open a new chapter in your existence. Live, no longer for your own realization or the realization of your ideal, however exalted it may be, but to serve an eternal work that transcends your individuality on all sides. That is what we aspire for and for which we shall strive unceasingly however long it may take. Enter into a strong and luminous peace. It is there that you can best realise the union.

2.9 Time to Follow an Avatar

Nolinikanta Gupta: There is an inevitable interaction and interflow of psychological forces among individuals, it is no more a riddle to say that the sins of the fathers are visited upon the children, nor that the virtues of the sons wash away the sins of the fathers; and that is how the Avatars automatically, inevitably take upon themselves and have to take upon themselves and bear the stigmata of suffering humanity. And that is how they embody and fulfil the total aspiration of all human beings. An avatar is thus an outburst of the earth’s highest need of the hour. Indeed, however great an individual, his greatness is in reality the greatness of the world-spirit in him, and also contrariwise the smallness of an earthly being is the smallness of the universal being at a point, under a particular condition. In other words, the individual represents the weakest or the strongest link as the case may be, in the one single chain constituting the whole human race.

2.10 Follow the Truth of Our Existence

Pranab Da: Truth is active, and whether we want it or not, it will go on doing its work and will establish itself.

If we follow the evolutionary process, we would see that whenever there was a change in world circumstances, those who could change and adapt themselves to the new ways, survived as better species, and those who could not, perished. Now we see a similar change in the world; it is more in the psychological field.

So, if we want to survive, we must change according to the need of the hour and continue our existence as improved beings.

Now has come the age of higher Truth and greater sincerity.

Sri Aurobindo says Truth will be our Leader.

The divine life will give to those who enter into it and possess it an increasing and finally a complete possession of the truth-consciousness and all that it carries in it;

2.11 Descent of New Light into Man’s Consciousness

Pranab Da: I believe this is Supramental action, the pressure of a higher Truth from above on the collective consciousness of man. As a result, all the filth and obscurity is coming up because all this must be worked out and transformed.

Someone asked: ‘Dada, can’t this be controlled by a severe rule of law?’

Dada replied: How can you rule if man’s consciousness doesn’t change? Can you remove darkness with physical strength? You cannot fight out darkness with darkness. The Mother used to say: ‘If you light just one matchstick the heaviest darkness can vanish in a second.’ We need the light of a new consciousness, the light of Truth. That is why the most urgent need of the hour is the descent of this new light into man’s consciousness. Each one must do his work to the best of his or her capacity, do as well as we can, that is the solution. However long it might take, there is no other solution. If each one of us is sincere to the utmost then it won’t take much time. The higher divine force then will dissipate the darkness in no time.

2.12 Spiritual Education Only for Flowering of Truth

There is a seeking all over the world for a light which could bring a total and radical change in the system of education. Time demands not only schemes of new education but a concrete example of setting life on a higher footing.

The flowering of a nation depends upon the flowering of its youths. It is they who carry the burning torches of their nation’s culture to other centres of the world. India does not claim their loyalty to herself alone. She demands that her youths be useful not only to herself but to the whole world.

The need of the hour is not only to make education a source of joy but a gradual flowering of the Truth and inner personality of the pupil. Whatever we do must bear a touch of the Truth. The co-ordination of the objective with the subjective that is aimed at here — in working, reading, writing, singing — it is this that lends charm as well as mystery to our sadhana. One of the purposes of this book is to throw some light on the point.

“By far the most significant work,” says Anthony Elanjimittan, “that is today being done at the Ashram is education, creative education, man-making discipline, soul-finding sadhana and a realistic sense in solving basic economic, social and cultural problems of the country… — Narayan Prasad

Babaji Maharaj: Another essential and significant matter is this — God or magnanimous persons, incarnating upon the earth, impart spiritual teaching as per the need of the hour. That teaching would be pertinent for that period.

The teaching of Buddhadev had not proved very useful during the time of Shankara. During the period of Chaitanya, Ramanuja and Ramananda, the teaching of Shankara had lost its relevance. In the present age, only the teaching of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo is essential. Even though it has retained its relevance for the present time, it is not opposed to the old spiritual disciplines. It establishes harmony amongst the old spiritual teachings and builds them all into an integral system. Besides, whenever any magnanimous person descends upon the earth to impart a new teaching, at that time he brings a new Power along with him and redeems thousands of men and women, who are required to put forth only a very little effort. Now the Mother, holding the supramental Power in Her, is carrying out the work of the transformation. This above incident offers a golden opportunity for everybody.

2.13 Read the Books of the Master and Live as per their ideal

The Mother: …there are the very few who want to understand life, its purpose and its goal. For them, Sri Aurobindo’s books are the best reading of all. It is no use reading books of guidance if one is not determined to live what they teach.

2.14 Time to Work for the Collective Mass

This is the time of action, not speeches or good resolutions or declarations. We just have to be more sincere in our work for the Divine.

Sri Aurobindo: Real action is done in moments of silence.

I have said that the Divine does the sadhana first for the world and then gives what is brought down to others. There can be no sadhana without realisations and experiences. Both myself and the Mother have done sadhana. The Prayers are a record of Mother’s experiences.

4 January 1935

The Mother: To do at each moment the best we can and leave the result to the Divine’s decision, is the surest way to peace, happiness, strength, progress and final perfection.

The Mother: A society that lives not by its men but by its institutions is not a collective soul, but a machine; its life becomes a mechanical product and ceases to be a living growth. Therefore the coming of a spiritual age must be preceded by the appearance of an increasing number of individuals who are no longer satisfied with the normal intellectual, vital and physical existence of man, but perceive that a greater evolution is the real goal of humanity and attempt to effect it in themselves, to lead others to it and to make it the recognized goal of the race. In proportion as they succeed and to the degree to which they carry this evolution, the yet unrealized potentiality which they represent will become an actual possibility of the future.

2.15 Turn Every Crisis and Difficulties into A Step towards The Goal

We must accept every crisis as a step towards the Bigger Goal. We have to accept everything as an aid of inner progress.

The Mother: Be only a burning fire for progress, take whatever comes to you as an aid to your progress and immediately make whatever progress is required.

The Mother: Each crisis can be changed into a farther step forward towards the goal.

The Mother: Certainly I have accepted you as you are, and the acceptance means that I will take you towards your divine goal in spite of all difficulties and all obstacles.

The Mother: To celebrate the manifestation of the eternal Consciousness can be done at every moment of the universal history.

2.16 Accept Death as Spirit’s Opportunity

The Mother: Each individual has the possibility of reaching the utmost realisation, independent of the form to which he momentarily belongs.

Sri Aurobindo: Death is a passage, not the goal of our walk.

2.17 No Division Mindset but Mindset of Unity and Harmony

We need to practice inner harmony and union with the Divine every moment. It is also applicable not only for an individual growth, but also for a family, or a society or a nation. Everyone has to think of the larger aim and objective that The Mother has set before us. For the sake of the Divine Mother, all kinds of division, fights, ego-hassle, cribbing, complaining, fighting must end. We all should be driven by the Psychic law, not by any mental law or ambition or ego.

The Mother: The time has come to govern through union, mutual understanding and collaboration.

At these blessed hours all earth sings a hymn of gladness, the grasses shudder with pleasure, the air is vibrant with light, the trees lift towards heaven their most ardent prayer, the chant of the birds becomes a canticle, the waves of the sea billow with love, the smile of the children tells of the infinite and the souls of men appear in their eyes.

2.18 Never to Fall Into Idiot Hours

We should be extremely careful never to indulge in any action or speech through which we will degrade our consciousness. We, being the chosen Instrument of the Divine Mother, need to live by example before the Divine. We should not waste our precious time of our soul in wasteful idiot hours.

Sri Aurobindo: An idiot hour destroys what centuries made,

2.19 Follow the Leader Present Within

The Mother: Try to realise the strength within you, try to bring it forward, so that everything you do may be not your own doing, but the doing of that Truth within you. Try so that every hour that you live shall be enlightened by that presence, that every thought of yours shall be inspired from that one fountain of inspiration, that every faculty and quality in you may be placed at the service of that immortal Power within you…The leader is within yourselves.

Living Within: Live within; be not shaken by outward happenings.

The father we go inward, the more we seize on greater and fuller realities.

Turning inward alone delivers from ignorance.

All ocean lived within a wandering drop,

A time-made body housed the Illimitable,

To live this Mystery out our souls came here

Live within, do not be upset by outer circumstances. Yes, that is the motto: live within.

Live within, in the depth of your heart, and nobody or nothing will have the power to disturb you.

Looking Within:

Then from the secret heights a wave swept down,

A brilliant chaos of rebel light arose;

It looked above and saw the dazzling peaks,

It looked within and woke the sleeping god.

2.20 Time to Kick the Ego Out

The Mother: You are here at this moment, that is to say upon earth, because you chose it at one time — you do not remember it any more, but I know it — that is why you are here. Well, you must rise to the height of the task. You must strive, you must conquer all weaknesses and limitations; above all you must tell your ego: “Your hour is gone.” We want a race that has no ego, that has in place of the ego the Divine Consciousness. It is that which we want: the Divine Consciousness which will allow the race to develop itself and the supramental being to take birth.

2.21 Enter into Inner Silence

The Mother: The best rest is to enter into the inner silence for a few moments.

We have to practice this inner silence in every circumstances and with every person.

2.22 Never get into any Restful Comfort Zone

The Mother: The minute one stops going forward, one falls back.

The moment one is satisfied and no longer aspires, one begins to die.

The purpose of earthly life is progress. If you stop progressing you will die. Every moment that you spend without progressing is one step closer to your grave

From the moment you are satisfied and aspire no longer, you begin to die. Life is movement, life is effort; it is marching forward, climbing towards future revelations and realisations. Nothing is more dangerous than wanting to rest.

2.23 Never Forget our Rich Spiritual Heritage

The Mother: It would be a tragic irony of fate if India were to throw away her spiritual heritage at the very moment when in the rest of the world there is more and more a turning towards her for spiritual help and a saving light. This must not and will surely not happen.

2.24 Only Way for Survival — Nama Japa

All Nature dumbly calls to her alone

To heal with her feet the aching throb of life

And break the seals on the dim soul of man

And kindle her fire in the closed heart of things.

· Sri Aurobindo (in Savitri)

The Mother: …that is the Japa I do now — I do it all the time, while sleeping, while walking, while eating, while working, all the time.

The continuous repetition of a mantra. Mother’s mantra is a song of the cells, the sole material or physical process used by her for awakening the cells and stabilizing the Supramental Force in her body.



Sanjeev Patra
Sanjeev Patra

Written by Sanjeev Patra

Believer in Sri Aurobindo’s Integral Yoga and His Vision of Universal Unity and Supramental Consciousness. “Man is not final, He is just an intermediate being”.

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