Tackling Hostile Forces
Hostile Forces pervert everything
Oppose the Divine Action on Earth tooth and nail
Revolt against God’s Creation and Mission
Fight Against Universal Love, Unity and Truth
Try to Control the humans and this whole world
Although world reeling under their impacts
Clutching on to the Divine the only saviour
Only were safe who kept God in their Hearts
Says Sri Aurobindo in the epic Savitri
Hostile Forces act at different level,
At Individual Level, they use lower nature of Ignorance
Create violent Inner conflicts, turbulence, and depression
Choke a Man’s progress by unleashing their ego, desire, jealousy
Anger, lust, ambition, hatred and cruelty
Force humans to revolt against Divine and Divine Work
Force humans to abandon yoga, leave Ashram life and spirituality
Force them to forget their goals of Self-discovery
Force humans to run after illusions of Career, Successs, Wealth, and Power
They force humans to always remain in fear
Of calamity, destruction, and catastrophe
At universal level, they poison man with mindless hatred over religion
Create war among the nations in a hunger for power and supremacy
Thereby shutting the whole world from Divine Light and Truth.
They can possess and destabilize intelligent humans into doing animal acts
We can remove all hostile forces with the Help of Divine Grace alone
We just need to live consciously for the Divine
With Her Name Ma Ma Ma or Her Mantra on our lips 24x7
Remember Her Divine Smile always in every circumstances
Need to be Always Vigilant, Sincere and Humble
And Stay Protected by the Divine Force from all hostile influence.