New World New Creation
Man is the creation of yesterday. Sri Aurobindo came to announce the creation of tomorrow; the coming of the supramental being.
— The Mother
Table of Contents
1.1 The Mother’s Invite for a New World. 5
2 What is New Spirituality?. 6
4 Who Is Driving the New Spirituality?. 8
4. Sign of Supramental Force or New Consciousness. 9
4. Impact of New Spirituality and New Light 11
4.1 Transformation of Nature. 11
4.2 End of Reason and Intellect 11
4.3 Assurance of Security for the Whole World. 11
4.4 Role of India in World’s Transformation. 12
4.5 Birth of an Enlighted and Conscious Physical 12
4.6 Road to Immortality is Open. 12
4.8 Religions Fail Miserably to Unite the Humanity. 14
4.9 Fate, Karma, and Destiny Will Have No Impact 14
4.10 Transition of Mind to Supermind. 14
4.11 Progress of Humanity — Only By Spirituality. 15
4.12 Collaboration of Nature and Spirit 15
4.13 Transformation of Human Relationship in Society. 16
4.14 Duty Towards Family will be Changed to Duty towards the Divine. 17
4.15 Catastrophes and Calamities — Pangs of New Creation. 17
4.16 Man will Not Be Final Creation of Nature. 18
4.17 Life Will Turn Divine. 19
4.18 Beginning of a New Race. 19
6 Difference Between Old World and New World. 20
7 Why Man Can NEVER Be the Final Creation. 24
8 How Can We Be Fit for New World?. 30
7.1 Bring the Real Change within us. 30
7.3 Feel the Force of the Supreme Mother and Her Smile 31
7.4 Open and Surrender of the Whole Nature to the Divine 31
7.5 Become Apprentice Overman. 32
7.6 Open to the Supramental Force. 33
7.7 Breathe the Supramental Air 34
7.8 Create a World Union and Unity. 34
7.9 Love and Oneness is the Key. 34
7.10 The Mother About the New Creation. 35
7.11 Work and Not Go into Silence zone alone. 35
7.12 Transform Our Mind and Vital 36
7.14 Form a True Collectivity — Gnostic Collectivity. 38
7.15 Need of a Collective Aspiration. 39
1. What is New World?
Man is the creation of yesterday. Sri Aurobindo came to announce the creation of tomorrow; the coming of the supramental being. — The Mother
We humans should think of ourselves as the last species of Animal world.
Our Time is Over. It is the Time of Superman now. The seed of Superman consciousness is already sown by the Supreme Messenger Sri Aurobindo.
Time has come for all of us to become a Divine Man. The era of animality is over. The era of Animal Man is over, Animal Mentality is over.
A new world is not a continuation of the old world, not even an improvement of the same old world.
New World will not tolerate the Animal Man anymore.
New World will allow only the Conscious Man who want to leap towards the future, who want to prepare for the New Race.
New World will have a new Spirituality, new Light, new Creation, new Race which will be the harbinger of the Truth.
1.1 The Mother’s Invite for a New World
…we are in a very special situation, extremely special, without precedent. We are now witnessing the birth of a new world; it is very young, very weak — not in its essence but in its outer manifestation — not yet recognised, not even felt, denied by the majority. But it is here. It is here, making an effort to grow, absolutely sure of the result. But the road to it is a completely new road which has never before been traced out — nobody has gone there, nobody has done that! It is a beginning, a universal beginning. So, it is an absolutely unexpected and unpredictable adventure.
These are people who have adventure. It is these I call, and I tell them this: “I invite you to the great adventure.”
It is not a question of repeating spiritually what others have done before us, for our adventure begins beyond that. It is a question of a new creation, entirely new, with all the unforeseen events, the risks, the hazards it entails — a real adventure, whose goal is certain victory, but the road to which is unknown and must be traced out step by step in the unexplored. Something that has never been in this present universe and that will never] be again in the same way. If that interests you…well, let us embark. What will happen to you tomorrow — I have no idea.
One must put aside all that has been foreseen, all that has been devised, all that has been constructed, and then…set off walking into the unknown. And — come what may! There.
The Mother
2 What is New Spirituality?
· It is not another spiritual practice like millions of other practices or sects.
· It is not an escape from life, but acceptance of life.
· It is not a rejection of life and society, but integration of life with whole world.
· It is not aimed at minor/partial change of life but total transformation of life in an integral way.
· It is not to become powerful, but to awaken the consciousness and power of the cells from within
· It is not aimed at getting some “siddhis” [yogic powers] or “accumulation of spiritual power” or practicing of blind rituals.
What New Spirituality Does?
1. Addresses the fundamental problem of human existence.
2. Overcomes the multiple challenges and crisis faced by humans: suffering, disease, death and decay.
3. Prepares the mankind for his future evolution.
4. Allows human beings to grow at their deepest and highest level both individually and collectively.
3 What is this New Light?
Sri Aurobindo
Thy golden Light came down into my brain
And the grey rooms of mind sun-touched became
A bright reply to Wisdom’s occult plane,
A calm illumination and a flame.
Thy golden Light came down into my throat,
And all my speech is now a tune divine,
A paean-song of Thee my single note;
My words are drunk with the Immortal’s wine.
Thy golden Light came down into my heart
Smiting my life with Thy eternity;
Now has it grown a temple where Thou art
And all its passions point towards only Thee.
Thy golden Light came down into my feet,
My earth is now Thy playfield and Thy seat. (Collected Poems)
The Mother: Hail the new light. That it may grow in all hearts.
Eternal Light is in the heart of every being.
A Light there is that leads, a Power that aids.
Light, endless light! darkness has room no more.
Thou hast willed, and I execute: A new light breaks upon the earth,
A new world is born. The things that were promised are fulfilled.
Sri Aurobindo:
There is an Influence from a Light above,
There are thoughts remote and sealed eternities;
A mystic motive drives the stars and suns.
In this passage from a deaf unknowing Force
To struggling consciousness and transient breath
A mighty Supernature waits on Time. (Savitri)
Transformation of Darkness into Light
The Mother: “It matters little that there are thousands of beings plunged in the densest ignorance, He whom we saw yesterday is on earth; his presence is enough to prove that a day will come when darkness shall be transformed into light, and Thy reign shall be indeed established upon earth.”
Forward, for ever forward! at the end of the tunnel is the light…at the end of the flight is the victory.
4 Who Is Driving the New Spirituality?
“Lord, Thou hast willed, and I execute:
A new light breaks upon the earth,
A new world is born.
The things that were promised are fulfilled.” — The Mother
My light shall be in thee, my strength thy force. — Savitri
The Two who are one are the secret of all power,
The Two who are one are the might and right in things.
A Dual power of God in an ignorant world
In a hedged creation shut from the limitless self,
Bringing down God to the insentient globe,
Lifting earth-beings to immortality. Sri Aurobindo (in Savitri)
It is not man, who is doing the Sadhana or the Yoga for the Earth.
It is the Supreme Divine Mother who is working directly through us.
She is guiding those few people who are thirsting for a New World, New Earth.
Only the Supreme and Supreme Power bring this transformation.
Only a direct contact between the Supreme Divine and the aspiring soul can bring this New World.
There should be nothing in between, no intermediary, no gods or goddesses.
It is something absolutely new with no connection with the old powers, even the greatest known powers. In simple terms, it is a matter of complete, sincere and simple surrender. To the Supreme alone, or Sri Aurobindo and the Mother — nothing else.
Sri Aurobindo: The One whom we adore as the Mother is the divine Conscious Force that dominates all existence, one and yet so many-sided that to follow her movement is impossible even for the quickest mind and for the freest and most vast intelligence. The Mother is the consciousness and force of the Supreme and far above all she creates.
4. Sign of Supramental Force or New Consciousness
The Integral Yoga is not aimed against any religion, creed, government, social class, any nation or civilization. This Yoga is to fight against division, unconsciousness, ignorance, inertia, imperfection and falsehood in humanity and to establish a new creation upon earth based on Unity, Knowledge, Consciousness, Truth, Light, Peace, and Love.
After the descent of Supramental Force, The Mother had declared that world has started preparing for a big change. All would change if man could once consent to be spiritualised; but his nature, menial and vital and physical, is rebellious to the higher law. He loves his imperfection.
However, many changes have been observed based on her prediction on the impact of Truth Consciousness:
1. Climate change will be observed globally.
2. There will be free flow of communication in the world. We can see the power of Internet has created a global village.
3. Children born today will be much more evolved and inwardly connected. It is the Young who will lead the world in brining unity and oneness.
4. Difference in heights between man and woman will reduce.
5. Power of Truth Consciousness will be felt across the world.
6. It is no longer the Age of Reason. That age has passed: it is dead and gone. This is the age of the luminous faith and vision as the age of the Third Eye.
7. The time of religions is over. We have entered the age of universal spirituality, of spiritual experience in its initial purity.
8. Mindset for Corruption will reduce, Transparency and Honesty have started taking more roots across the world.
9. Lots of churning will happen in the subconscient/inconscient with the power of Supermind force and negative things will come off from hidden spots. Calamities and Catastrophes will come to erase the collective impurities and imperfections.
10. There is an urgent need of universal Unity observed at the global level.
11. Man’s world view is undergoing fast changes. Man started thinking about the collective progress of humanity.
12. There is an enormous attack on forces of falsehood, darkness and ignorance, particularly those who are unwilling to change. The advent of Corona Virus is one step in that direction to break the human arrogance, collective impurities. These shocks are created by nature to prepare the humanity to live inwardly.
13. New Supramental consciousness does not tolerate hypocrisy, pretension, and laziness but only respects the Truth. So many agents of falsehoods are getting exposed or crumbled into pieces in the new creation.
14. Growing restlessness and impatience among the new generation with the old methods, and paradigms and ways of life.
15.- Breakdown of social, mental, moral, religious compartments, underlying cry for finding the Truth among the young mass has intensified.
16. More and more youth are now eager to search for Truth in existence.
17. New Consciousness does not accept half measures but accept complete transformation.
18. Every human being is pushed out of his so-called comfort zones, as these are signs of inner collective uprising.
19.The Supramental is independent of conditions and circumstances.
4. Impact of New Spirituality and New Light
4.1 Transformation of Nature
To hope for a true change of human life without a change of human nature is an irrational and unspiritual proposition; it is to ask for something unnatural and unreal, an impossible miracle. — Sri Aurobindo (The Life Divine, p. 1059)
This Yoga aims at permanent Change of Nature, that is, transformation of human nature. If nature is left as it is, the Yoga has no value of existence.
Nature shall live to manifest secret God,
The Spirit shall take up the human play,
This earthly life become the life divine. — Sri Aurobindo
4.2 End of Reason and Intellect
Sri Aurobindo: The Age of Reason is visibly drawing to an end.
The Mother: It is no longer the Age of Reason. That age has passed: it is dead and gone.
Not by reason was creation made, and not by reason can truth be seen.
Late, I learned that when reason died, then Wisdom was born; before that liberation, I had only knowledge.
Reason — An excellent instrument when it is at the service of the Divine.
4.3 Assurance of Security for the Whole World
Q: “Last time, you said, “As that Security was establishing itself more and more, more and more firmly, and was spreading… Do you mean that Sri Aurobindo’s very presence?”
The Mother: “Yes. Yes.”
Q: “Yet, the world was in quite a turmoil?”
The Mother: Precisely, I mean that: the world wasn’t ready, and there was…(what shall I say?) this paradox of a centre of Security that was in total contradiction with the general world condition. “He himself said it: ‘The world is not ready’. So…“That’s what I mean, his physical presence was the sign of Security being established, but the world wasn’t ready. So, the effect of his presence kept increasing, and it brought about a greater and greater contradiction — a greater and greater opposition.
4.4 Role of India in World’s Transformation
India has become the symbolic representation of all the difficulties of modern mankind. India will be the land of the resurrection to a higher and truer life — and it is in India that the cure will be found.
India has a very special role to play in this great Plan, a role symptomatic of the whole and of all the rest of the world.
4.5 Birth of an Enlighted and Conscious Physical
Bodies made beautiful by the spirit’s light,
All heavenly light shall visit the earth’s thoughts,
Body will be more perfect and aspire towards Light. All the cells will be ignited, energized only to serve the Divine and express the Divine.
Aim of mankind will be to lead a Divine life in a Divine body.
A deathbound littleness is not all we are:
Immortal our forgotten vastnesses
Await discovery in our summit selves;
Unmeasured breadths and depths of being are ours. — Savitri
4.6 Road to Immortality is Open
A Light there is that leads, a Power that aids;
Unmarked, unfelt it sees in him and acts:
Ignorant, he forms the All-Conscient in his depths,
Human, looks up to superhuman peaks:
A borrower of Supernature’s gold,
He paves his road to Immortality.
End of Death
The Mother: The deathless state. Instead of again tumbling backwards, the body is “undone forwards.” To widen oneself in order to bear the boiling porridge of the Supramental.
The material or physical causes of death are not its sole or its true cause; its true inmost reason is the spiritual necessity for the evolution of a new being.
I have reached the conclusion that there is really no such thing as death. There is only an appearance, and an appearance based on a limited outlook. But there is no radical change in the vibration of consciousness.
I am on my way to discovering the illusion that must be destroyed so that physical life can be uninterrupted…Death is the result of a distortion of consciousness.
Death is the result of a distortion of consciousness. Some of the living are already half-dead. Many of the dead are very much alive.
…there is really no such thing as death. There is only an appearance, and an appearance based on a limited outlook.
4.7 Aim
An Inner self-development by which each one who follows it can in no time discover the One Self in all and evolve a higher consciousness than the mental, a spiritual and supramental consciousness which will transform and divinise human nature.
The Mother: The aim of supramental Yoga is to change into this supreme Truth-consciousness, but this truth is something beyond mind and this consciousness is far above the highest mind-consciousness.
In the Self-Existence of which Supermind is the dynamic Truth-Consciousness, there can be no aim of being except to be, no aim of consciousness except to be conscious of being, no aim of delight of being other than its delight; all is a self-existent and self-sufficient Eternity.
Manifestation, becoming, has in its original supramental movement the same character; it sustains in a self-existent and self-sufficient rhythm an activity of being which sees itself as a manifold becoming, an activity of consciousness which takes the form of a manifold self-knowledge, an activity of force of conscious existence which exists for the glory and beauty of its own manifold power of being, an activity of delight which assumes innumerable forms of delight.
4.8 Religions Fail Miserably to Unite the Humanity
Not to develop any one Religion, or amalgamate many religions or create a new Religion. As this will deviate from the central purpose.
4.9 Fate, Karma, and Destiny Will Have No Impact
Divine Grace will replace the Human Destiny.
For the True Seekers of the Divine, the fate and destiny will not play any role. The Karma will not have any consequences as long as one lives in the Psychic Being. Psychic will erase the past Karma.
4.10 Transition of Mind to Supermind
For truth of mind is always relative, uncertain and partial, but this greater Truth is peremptory and whole. Truth of mind is a representation, always an inadequate, most often a misleading representation, and even when most accurate, only a reflection, Truth’s shadow and not its body. Mind does not live in the Truth or possess but only seeks after it and grasps at best some threads from its robe; the supermind lives in Truth and is its native substance, form and expression; it has not to seek after it, but possesses it always automatically and is what it possesses. This is the very heart of the difference.
The change that is effected by the transition from mind to supermind is not only a revolution in knowledge or in our power for knowledge. If it is to be complete and stable, it must be a divine transmutation of our will too, our emotions, our sensations, all our power of life and its forces, in the end even of the very substance and functioning of our body. Then only can it be said that the supermind is there upon earth, rooted in its very earth-substance and embodied in a new race of divinised creatures.
Supermind at its highest reach is the divine Gnosis, the Wisdom-Power-Light-Bliss of God by which the Divine knows and upholds and governs and enjoys the universe.
4.11 Progress of Humanity — Only By Spirituality
The most vital issue of the age is whether the future progress of humanity is to be governed by the modern economic and materialistic mind of the West or by a nobler pragmatism guided, uplifted and enlightened by spiritual culture and knowledge. — Sri Aurobindo
Humanity will progress not by Outer Progress or Achievement but by inner progress, inward growth of Psychic.
4.12 Collaboration of Nature and Spirit
The Mother: Nature suddenly understood. She understood that this newborn Consciousness does not seek to reject her, but wants to embrace her entirely. She understood that this new spirituality does not stand apart from life, does not timorously recoil before the awesome richness of her movement, but on the contrary wants to integrate all her facets. She understood that the supramental consciousness is not there to diminish her but to make her complete.
Then, from the supreme Reality came this command: ‘Awaken, O Nature, to the joy of collaboration.’ And suddenly, all Nature rushed forth in an immense bounding of joy, saying, ‘I accept! I will collaborate!’ And at the same time, there came a calm, an absolute tranquillity, to allow this receptacle, this body, to receive and contain without breaking and without losing anything of the Joy of Nature that was rushing forth in a movement of grateful recognition like an overwhelming flood. She accepted, she saw — with all eternity before her — that this supramental consciousness would fulfill her more perfectly and impart a still greater force to her movement and more richness, more possibilities to her play.
Man is a field of interaction between Matter and Spirit/that this interaction has reached a point of criticality, and that this criticality demands a new knowledge, an integral knowledge of Matter and Spirit.
Experiments will continue to grow until the highest and the deepest in the individual and the collectivity are brought forward in the task of the new transformation. It is in this direction that the new spirituality seems to be moving. It is in this direction that the new philosophies are likely to flower. India has already taken this new direction and it hopes to place the fruits of this new endeavor.
4.13 Transformation of Human Relationship in Society
The Mother: Human relationships are obviously very unstable. Only relationships with the Divine can be permanent.
— -
Humanity will be bonded based on similar aspirations for the Divine in future. Growth of gnostic community will occur throughout the world, who will aspire only for the Divine realisation.
— -
The Mother: You are together because you are close to one another, you are together because you have the same aspiration, you are together because you want to create the same goal in life; you understand one another when you speak, you have no need to discuss anything which is said and you live in a kind of inner harmony. This is the true family, this is the family of aspiration, the family of spiritual inclinations.
4.14 Duty Towards Family will be Changed to Duty towards the Divine
The Mother: Duty towards the Divine is far more sacred than any social or family duty; it is all the more sacred because within the human collectivity it is almost wholly ignored or misunderstood. Vital relations are always dangerous. A complete, absolute consecration of the vital to the Divine is the only solution.
Happiness is not the aim of life. The aim of ordinary life is to carry out one’s duty, the aim of spiritual life is to realise the Divine.
Q. Two things make me very restless: first, a sense of duty towards my family. My wife and children are going through all sorts of suffering due to my negligence.
Sri Aurobindo: You won’t be able to help them anyway. Only, while trying to do them good you will bring harm to yourself. Don’t consider them as your own, see them as so many souls (struggling for self-manifestation).
4.15 Catastrophes and Calamities — Pangs of New Creation
The Mother: The chaos and the calamities were perhaps the pangs of the birth of a new creation. How long is this going to continue? In the Ashram, in India and eventually in the world? There are people all shut up in their little family and if the baby coughs, it is a calamity. An existence like that of an earthworm in a hole.
It will continue until the world is ready and willing to receive the new creation; the consciousness of this new creation is already at work upon earth since the beginning of this year.
If instead of resisting, people were collaborating, it would be quicker. But stupidity and ignorance are very obstinate! Perhaps the truth is rather that it is one and the same movement of consciousness that expresses itself in a Nature ridden with calamities and catastrophes and in a disharmonious humanity.
The two things are not cause and effect, but stand on the same level. Above them there is a consciousness which is seeking for manifestation and embodiment upon earth, and in its descent towards matter it meets everywhere the same resistance, in man and in physical Nature.
All the disorder and disharmony that we see upon earth is the result of this resistance. Calamity and catastrophe, conflict and violence, obscurity and ignorance all ills come from the same source. Man is not the cause of external Nature, nor external Nature the cause of man, but both depend on the same one thing that is behind them and greater, and both are part of a perpetual and progressive movement of the material world to express it.
4.16 Man will Not Be Final Creation of Nature
Sri Aurobindo: Man is a transitional being; he is not final. […] This imperfect being with his hampered, confused, ill-ordered and mostly ineffective consciousness cannot be the end and highest height of the mysterious upward surge of Nature. There is something more that has yet to be brought down from above and is now seen only by broken glimpses through sudden rifts in the giant wall of our limitations. Or else there is something yet to be evolved from below, sleeping under the veil of man’s mental consciousness or half visible by flashes, as life once slept in the stone and metal, mind in the plant and reason in the cave of animal memory underlying its imperfect apparatus of emotion and sense-device and instinct. Something there is in us yet unexpressed that has to be delivered by an enveloping illumination from above. A godhead is imprisoned in our depths, one in its being with a greater godhead ready to descend from superhuman summits. In that descent and awakened joining is the secret of our future.
Man’s greatness is not in what he is but in what he makes possible. His glory is that he is the closed place and secret workshop of a living labour in which supermanhood is made ready by a divine Craftsman.
But he is admitted to a yet greater greatness and it is this that, unlike the lower creation, he is allowed to be partly the conscious artisan of his divine change. His free assent, his consecrated will and participation are needed that into his body may descend the glory that will replace him. His aspiration is earth’s call to the supramental Creator.
If earth calls and the Supreme answer, the hour can be even now for that immense and glorious transformation.» (Man and the Supermind)
4.17 Life Will Turn Divine
Sri Aurobindo:
If our souls could see and love and clasp God’s Truth,
Its infinite radiance would seize our hearts,
Our being in God’s image be remade
And earthly life become the life divine.
Nature shall live to manifest secret God.
The Spirit shall take up the human play,
This earthly life becomes the life divine.
This earth is full of the anguish of the gods;
Ever they travail driven by Time’s goad,
And strive to work out the eternal Will
And shape the life divine in mortal forms.
Our greater self of knowledge waits for us,
A supreme light in the truth-conscious Vast:
It sees from summits beyond thinking mind,
It moves in a splendid air transcending life.
It shall descend and make earth’s life divine.
My soul and his indissolubly linked
In the one task for which our lives were born,
To raise the world to God in deathless Light,
To bring God down to the world on earth we came,
To change the earthly life to life divine. — Savitri
4.18 Beginning of a New Race
The supermind shall be his nature’s fount,
The Eternal’s truth shall mould his thoughts and acts,
The Eternal’s truth shall be his light and guide.
All then shall change, a magic order come
Overtopping this mechanical universe.
A mightier race shall inhabit the mortal’s world.
Sri Aurobindo (in Savitri)
5 What Was Old World?
Characteristics of Old World
1. Religion Centric
2. Mind driven
3. No efforts to change our lower nature
4. God is an Extra Terrestrial Being, Unreachable and Difficult to become God
5. Life is full of Suffering, Pain, Ignorance, Falsehood, Darkness, Death.
6. Moksha or Nirvana was the main destination for the seekers.
7. Yoga was for selfish motive
8. Yoga had no motive for the society or rest of the world
9. Individual was the Sadhak
10. Aim is only self-realisation
11. Ego and Desire — Prime Ruler of mankind
6 Difference Between Old World and New World
7 Why Man Can NEVER Be the Final Creation
Sri Aurobindo’s Views About Future of Man
1 [late 1920s to early 1930s]
Man is a transitional being, he is not final. He is a middle term of the evolution, not its end, crown or consummating masterpiece.
2 [1930]
Man is a transitional being, he is not final; for in him and high beyond him ascend the radiant degrees which climb to a divine supermanhood.
The step from man to superman is the next approaching achievement in the earth’s evolution. There lies our destiny and the liberating key to our aspiring, but troubled and limited human existence — inevitable because it is at once the intention of the inner Spirit and the logic of Nature’s process.
The appearance of a human possibility in a material and animal world was the first glint of a coming divine Light, — the first far-off intimation of a godhead to be born out of Matter. The appearance of the superman in the human world will be the fulfillment of that distant shining promise.
The difference between man and superman will be the difference between mind and a consciousness as far beyond it as thinking mind is beyond the consciousness of plant and animal; the differentiating essence of man is mind, the differentiating essence of superman will be supermind of a divine gnosis.
Man is a mind imprisoned, obscured and circumscribed in a precarious and imperfect living but imperfectly conscious body. The superman will be a supramental spirit which will envelop and freely use a conscious body, plastic to spiritual forces. His physical frame will be a firm support and adequate radiant instrument for the spirit’s divine play and work in Matter.
Mind, even free and in its own unmixed and unhampered element, is not the highest possibility of consciousness; for mind is not in possession of Truth, but only a minor vessel or an instrument and here an ignorant seeker plucking eagerly at a mass of falsehoods and half-truths for the unsatisfying pabulum of its hunger. Beyond mind is a supramental or gnostic power of consciousness that is in eternal possession of Truth; all its motion and feeling and sense and outcome are instinct and luminous with the inmost reality of things and express nothing else.
Supermind or gnosis is in its original nature at once and in the same movement an infinite wisdom and infinite will. At its source it is the dynamic consciousness of the divine Knower and Creator. […]
The disk of a secret sun of Power and Knowledge is emerging out of the material consciousness in which our mind works as a chained slave or a baffled and impotent demiurge; supermind will be the formed body of that radiant effulgence.
Superman is not man climbed to his own natural zenith, not a superior degree of human greatness, knowledge, power, intelligence, will, character, genius, dynamic force, saintliness, love, purity of perfection. Supermind is something beyond mental man and his limits, a greater consciousness than the highest consciousness proper to human nature. […]
Man in himself is hardly better than an ambitious nothing. He is a narrowness that reaches towards ungrasped widenesses, a littleness straining towards grandeurs which are beyond him, a dwarf enamoured of the heights. […] The spirit is in course of birth rather than born in Matter. […]
There is something more that has yet to be brought down from above and is now seen only by broken glimpses through sudden rifts in the giant wall of our limitations. […]
Man’s greatness is not in what he is but in what he makes possible. His glory is that he is the closed place and secret workshop of a living labour in which supermanhood is made ready by a divine Craftsman.
But he is admitted to a yet greater greatness and it is this that, unlike the lower creation, he is allowed to be partly the conscious artisan of his divine change. His free assent, his consecrated will and participation are needed that into his body may descend the glory that will replace him. His aspiration is earth’s call to the supramental Creator.
3 [1940–42]
Man cannot be a final, he is a transitional being. This is very clear from the incompleteness and imperfection of all his powers of consciousness; he can only arrive at some limited form of temporary and unstable perfection by much labour and struggle; and yet the search for perfection is ingrained in his nature. There is something that he is not yet which he has to be; he is reaching always towards the something yet unrealised; his whole life and nature is a preparation, an endeavour of Nature towards what is beyond him.
The human consciousness is limited in every direction; it does not know itself, it does not know the world around it, it does not know the origin and meaning and use of its existence. But it strives always to know to find the truth of its being, the right use of its life, the end towards which Nature in him is tending; this it does with a seeking and blundering movement; man’s consciousness is an ignorant struggling towards knowledge; it is a weakness training itself for power; it is a thing of pleasure and suffering that tries to lay hands on the true delight of existence. […]
Man is here not merely to utilise his world for the service of his individual and collective ego; he is here as a medium in which the Spirit within, the secret growing Consciousness can evolve farther its self-manifestation, arrive from a partial to a complete consciousness, since life itself is there only as a means of this evolution and an image of it, at a complete and perfect individual and social life. If the psychological truth of our being is the real and central truth, more central and important than the physical, this must be its true nature, a conscious being growing towards its own completeness of consciousness and growing too towards its expression and formation in a complete individual and social life.
4 [1942]
Man is a transitional being; he is not final. As it did not begin with him, neither does it end with him. He is not its evident crown, not its highest issue, nor the last clear sum of Nature. Nature has not brought out in man her highest possibilities; she has not reached in him the supreme heights of consciousness and being; as there was before him the infrahuman, the insect and animal, so there shall be after him the superhuman, the superman.
Man may himself become the superman, he may become all that he is not now; but for that he must exceed himself. It is not by clinging to his present imperfect consciousness that he can take the next step in the evolution. He must discover and release the spiritual godhead within him, realise his divine possibilities, be himself the giant potential something, the divine someone who has been struggling into emergence out of the original plasm that imprisoned it since began the mystery of terrestrial Nature.
5 [1947]
Man is not final, he is a transitional being. Beyond him waits formation the diviner race, the superman.
6 [late 1940s]
The world we live in is not a meaningless accident that has unaccountably taken place in the void of Space; it is the scene of an evolution in which an eternal Truth has been embodied, hidden in a form of things, and is secretly in process of unfoldment through the ages. […]
Man is a transitional being, he is not final. He is too imperfect for that, too imperfect in capacity for knowledge, too imperfect in will and action, too imperfect in his turn towards joy and beauty, too imperfect in his will for freedom and his instinct for order. Even if he could perfect himself in his own type, his type is too low and small to satisfy the need of the universe. Something larger, more capable of a rich and all embracing universality is needed, a greater being, a greater consciousness summing up in itself all that the world set out to be. He has, as was pointed out by a half blind seer, to excede himself; man must evolve out of himself the divine superman: he was born for transcendence. Humanity is not enough, it is only a strong stepping stone; the need of the world is a superhuman perfection of what the world can be, the goal of consciousness is divinity. The inmost need of man is not to perfect his humanity, but to be greater than himself, to be more than man, to be divine, even to be the Divine.
To rest in humanity is to rest in imperfection; the perfect man would be a self-contented finality of incompleteness. His nature is transitional and there is therefore in it an innate tendency to strive towards something more.
7 [1940s]
Man is not final, he is a transitional being.
This imperfect thinker embarrassed by the limitations of his brain and senses, this ignorant mind seeking after the truth of himself and things and never arriving at a certain knowledge, this stumbling reasoner capable only of speculation and stiff logical conclusions but not of indubitable conclusions or of a complete or direct knowledge, this imperfect liver divided between his reasoning will and his half-governed impulsions and instinctive desires, this thing of bundles of ideas and sensations and lusts and longings, this hunter after forms and formulas, this suffering and sorrowing mixture of wisdom and imbecillity we call man is not the final essay of Nature, her last word, the crown of her evolution, the summit of consciousness, her master creation.
8 [late 1940s]
Man [is a] transitional being, not the final end of the evolution and the crown of terrestrial existence.
This ignorant, imperfect and divided being, with his labouring uncertain thought and half-successful will, this toiling and fluctuating experiment, this field of the attempt at emergence of a thousand things that are striving to be, is no consummation of the struggle of cosmic Force; he is only a laboratory in which Nature seeks for its own concealed secret, makes tentative efforts at what she has been missioned to achieve.
As man arose out of the animal, so out of man superman shall come.
8 How Can We Be Fit for New World?
7.1 Bring the Real Change within us
Everyone should aspire to the true change, not a passing experience. Let us all aspire so that the Lord may take possession of this body, all our cells, and all those nerves awaken to the divine Presence. May this body follow the Law of the Supreme.
7.2 Obey Only the Divine
The Mother:
I belong to no nation, no civilisation, no society, no race, but to the Divine.
I obey no master, no ruler, no law, no social convention, but the Divine.
To Him I have surrendered all, will, life and self; for Him I am ready to give all my blood, drop by drop, if such is His Will, with complete joy; and nothing in His service can be sacrifice, for all is perfect delight.
— — — —
We just have to obey and surrender to the Divine in all aspects, in all time, in all situations. She will prepare us for the New World without our knowledge.
Live in the Supreme Truth
The Mother: This divinisation of the nature of which we speak is a metamorphosis, not a mere growth into some kind of superhumanity, but a change from the falsehood of our ignorant nature into the truth of God-nature. The mental or vital demigod, the Asura, Rakshasa and Pishacha, — Titan, vital giant and demon, — are superhuman in the pitch and force and movement and in the make of their characteristic nature, but these are not divine and those not supremely divine, for they live in a greater mind power or life power only, but they do not live in the supreme Truth, and only the supreme Truth is divine. Only those who live in a supreme Truth consciousness and embody it are inwardly made or else remade in the Divine image.
7.3 Feel the Force of the Supreme Mother and Her Smile
The Mother: Now remember one thing. Sri Aurobindo and myself are one and the same consciousness, one and the same person. Only, when this force or this presence, which is the same, passes through your individual consciousness, it puts on a form, an appearance which differs according to your temperament, your aspiration, your need, the particular turn of your being. Your individual consciousness is like a filter, a pointer, if I may say so; it makes a choice and fixes one possibility out of the infinity of divine possibilities.
Sri Aurobindo:
Her smile could persuade a dead lacerated heart.
Suffering was lost in her immortal smile.
7.4 Open and Surrender of the Whole Nature to the Divine
The Mother: The supramental Yoga is at once an ascent of the soul towards God and a descent of the Godhead into the embodied nature.
The ascent demands a one-centred all-gathering aspiration of soul and mind and life and body upward, the descent a call of the whole being towards the infinite and eternal Divine. If this call and this aspiration are there and if they grow constantly and seize all the nature, then and then only its supramental transformation becomes possible.
There must be an opening and surrender of the whole nature to receive and enter into a greater divine consciousness which is there already above, behind and englobing this mortal half-conscious existence. There must be too an increasing capacity to bear an ever stronger and more insistent action of the divine Force, till the soul has become a child in the hands of the infinite Mother. All other means known to other Yoga can be used and are from time to time used as subordinate processes in this Yoga too, but they are impotent without these greater conditions, and, once these are there, they are not indispensable.
Man cannot by his own effort make himself more than man, but he can call down the divine Truth and its power to work in him. A descent of the Divine Nature can alone divinise the human receptacle. Self-surrender to a supreme transmuting Power is the key-word of the Yoga.
7.5 Become Apprentice Overman
Anyway, we have now arrived at a certitude, since there is already a beginning of realisation. We have the proof that in certain condition the ordinary state of humanity can be exceeded and a new state of consciousness worked out which enables at the very least a conscious relation between mental and supramental man.
It can be affirmed with certainty that there will be an intermediate specimen between the mental and the supramental being, a kind of overman who will still have the qualities and in part the nature of man, which means that he will still belong in his most external form to the human being of animal origin, but that he will transform his consciousness sufficiently to belong, in his realisation and activity, to a new race, a race of overmen.
This species may be considered a transitional species, for it is to be foreseen that it will discover the means of producing new beings without going through the old animal method, and it is these beings — who will have a truly spiritual birth — who will constitute the elements of the new race, the supramental race. So we could call overmen those who, because of their origin, still belong to the old method of generation but who, because of their accomplishment, are in conscious and active contact with the new world of supramental realisation.
It seems — it is even certain — that the very substance that will constitute this intermediate world, which is already being built, is richer, more powerful, more luminous, more durable, with certain new, subtler, more penetrating qualities, and a kind of innate capacity of universality. It is as if its degree of subtlety and refinement allowed the perception of vibrations on a much more extensive, if not altogether total way, and it abolishes the sensation of division one has with the old substance, the ordinary mental substance.
The change from the human into the supramental being is being achieved through the overman. It may be that there will be some overmen — there are some — who will make the transition possible.
All those who make an effort to overcome their ordinary nature, all those who try to realise materially the profound experience that has brought them into contact with the divine Truth, all those who, instead of turning to the Hereafter or the On-high, try to realise physically, externally, the change of consciousness they have realised within themselves — all those are apprentice-overmen. Among them, there are countless variations according to the success of their efforts. Each time we try not to be an ordinary man, not to live the ordinary life, to express in our movements, our actions and reactions the divine truth, when we are governed by that Truth instead of being governed by the general ignorance, we are apprentice-overmen, and according to the success of our efforts we are, well, more or less good apprentices, more or less advanced on the way
The Mother (Questions and Answers 1957–58, p. 298)
7.6 Open to the Supramental Force
One can open oneself to the supramental Force which is now active on earth and enter a zone of transition where the two influences meet and interpenetrate: where the consciousness is still mental and intellectual in its way of functioning, but sufficiently permeated by the supramental Power and Force to be able to be the instrument of a higher truth.
At present this state can be realised on earth by those who have prepared themselves to receive the supramental Force that is manifesting. And it is this state — in this state of consciousness — the body can benefit from a condition that is much superior to the condition it was in before. It can be put into direct contact with the essential truth of its being to the extent that, spontaneously, at every moment, it knows instinctively or intuitively what is to be done and that it can do it. As I say, this state can now be realised by all those who take the trouble of preparing themselves to receive the supramental Force, to assimilate it and obey it.
7.7 Breathe the Supramental Air
The Mother: I may tell you that by the very fact of your living on the earth at this time — whether you are conscious of it or not, even whether you want it or not- you are absorbing with the air you breathe this new supramental substance which is spreading out in the earth atmosphere now. And it is preparing in you things which will manifest very suddenly as soon as you have taken the decisive step.
7.8 Create a World Union and Unity
If man is intended to survive and carry forward the evolution of which he is at present the head and, to some extent, a half-conscious leader of its march he must come out of his present chaotic international life and arrive at a beginning of organised united action; some kind of World-State, unitary and federal, or a confederacy or a coalition he must arrive at in the end; no smaller or looser expedient would adequately serve the purpose. — Sri Aurobindo (The Ideal of Human Unity, p. 585)
The Earth will enjoy a lasting and living peace only when men understand that they must be truthful even in their international dealings.
The secret of unity is within, said Sri Aurobindo; the secret of brotherhood is within. “There is no unity except by the soul, there is no real brotherhood except in the soul and by the soul. Only when we live from the soul and not from the ego will a real unity reign on earth.”
7.9 Love and Oneness is the Key
“The love of the sadhak should be for the Divine. It is only when he has that fully that he can love others in the right way.
Letters on Yoga, vol.24, p.814” ― Sri Aurobindo
7.10 The Mother About the New Creation
The Mother:
Concentration of Consciousness: Action is a narrowing of the consciousness in order to achieve a particular object. The creation of a new world is no exception to this rule.
Realisation of the new creation: It is for this that we must prepare ourselves.
Instrument of the New Creation: Anything and everything can be an instrument for the Supreme Wisdom to prepare the earth in view of the new creation!
Liberation of Matter: Matter prepares itself to receive the supramental: matter tries to liberate itself from old habits to prepare for the new creation.
Ideal of the new creation: The ideal must be progressive in order to realise itself in the future.
Manifold power of the new creation: The new creation will be rich in possibilities.
Charm of the new creation: The new creation is attractive for all those who want to progress.
Beauty of the new creation: The new creation tries better to manifest the Divine.
Usefulness of the new creation: a creation which aims at teaching men to surpass themselves.
7.11 Work and Not Go into Silence zone alone
The Mother: It is the old methods of yoga which demand silence and solitude. … The yoga of tomorrow is to find the Divine in work and in relation with the world.
7.12 Transform Our Mind and Vital
Sri Aurobindo: But mind is not all, for beyond mind is a greater consciousness.
From Savitri
The world is other than we now think and see,
Our lives a deeper mystery than we have dreamed;
Our minds are starters in the race to God,
Our souls deputed selves of the Supreme. — Sri Aurobindo
The Mother:
While Auroville was growing rapidly after its establishment on 28thFebruary 1968, there came about a great turning-point in the yoga of the Mother between 10th August and 22nd August, 1968. In a note of the night of 26th and 27th August, she had written: ‘Powerful and prolonged penetration of the supramental forces into the body, everywhere at the same time….’
A radical operation was effected; the vital and the mind were “sent packing so that the physical may truly be left to its own resources.”
The Mother explained her experience of the night of 26th to 27th August as follows:
“Penetration into the body. Yes, penetrations of currents I had had several times, but that night …, what came all of a sudden was as though there was nothing anymore except a supramental atmosphere. Nothing remained except that. My body was in it. And it was PRESSING to enter, from everywhere, but everywhere at the same time — everywhere. You understand, it wasn’t a current flowing in, it was an atmosphere penetrating from everywhere. It lasted for at least four or five hours. … It’s the first time. For hours. Only That remained. And this (the body) was like a sponge soaking up. … Ah! I noticed that the cells, everywhere, you know, constantly, all the time, were repeating, OM NAMO BHAGAVATE, OM NAMO BHAGAVATE … constantly, all the time.”
This entire experience was crucial and radical. One has to imagine a true body growing up in an old body at the very cellular level, where there is no intermediate between the supermind, on the one hand, and the cellular consciousness of the body, on the other. The cellular consciousness was liberated from all the intermediate levels, including the physical mind. Here was the possibility of infusing a new genetic code in the cell — the code of the supramental vibration of knowledge, power, harmony and immortality. A new mind in matter began to work. A new mind of the cells. The key to transform the body was turned.
7.13 Creation by The Word
The word is a sound expression of the idea. In the supraphysical plane when an idea has to be realised, one can by repeating the word-expression of it, produce vibrations which prepare the mind for the realisation of the idea. That is the principle of the Mantras and of Japa. One repeats the name of the Divine and the vibrations created in the consciousness prepare the realisation of the Divine. It is the same idea that is expressed in the Bible: ‘God said, Let there be Light, and there was Light’. It is creation by the Word.” — Sri Aurobindo
The use of Mantra and Japa is based on this principle; namely, by tuning oneself to and repeating the “sound-body” of anything, we change the mental, vital and physical complex to vibrate in tune with that particular sound. Thus, repetition of a Mantra, particularly if we hold its meaning in our awareness, can create in us the state of consciousness that is the essential nature of the name, word or chant chosen. Practitioners of yoga have found that repetition of a mantra can help align the vibratory patterns of the mind and life energy in such a way as to overpower and eliminate contrary forces and to bring about a state of calm, focused awareness and receptivity.
Sri Aurobindo: …the Mantra is the word that carries the godhead in it or the power of the godhead, can bring it into the consciousness and fix there it and its workings, awaken there the thrill of the infinite, the force of something absolute, perpetuate the miracle of the supreme utterance…
(Tat savitur varam rūpam jyotiḥ parasya dhīmahi, yannaḥ satyena dīpayet.)
Let us meditate on the most auspicious (best) form of Savitri, on the Light of the Supreme which shall illumine us with the Truth.
Sri Aurobindo
7.14 Form a True Collectivity — Gnostic Collectivity
True Collectivity: A Gnostic or Supramental community
Based only upon the INNER REALIZATION of each one of its members, each realizing his real, concrete oneness and identity with all the other members of the community; Each one should not feel himself a member connected to all the others in an arbitrary way. All are one within himself. For each one, the others should be as much himself as his own body — not in a mental and artificial way, but through a fact of consciousness, by an inner realization.
Each one must first of all become (or at least start to become) a gnostic being.
Between the collectivity and the individual, there exists an interdependence.
We are not here to make our life easy and comfortable; we are here to find the Divine, to become the Divine, to manifest the Divine. What happens to us is the Divine’s business not our concern.
The Divine knows better than we do, what is good for the progress of the world and ourselves. Another aim to be achieved collectively is to find the ideal society in a place suited to the flowering of a new race, that of the “sons of God”.
We are not fighting against religion, creed, government, social class, any nation or civilization. We are fighting against division, unconsciousness, ignorance, inertia and falsehood and to establish upon earth; union, knowledge, consciousness, Truth and we fight whatever opposes the advent of this new creation of Light, Peace, Truth and Love.
Gnostic Collectivity
To do a collective yoga, there has to be a collectivity, a gnostic, supramental collectivity, the only kind that can do Sri Aurobindo’s integral yoga and be realized physically in a progressive collective body becoming more and more divine.
…a gnostic collectivity would be a collective soul-power of the Truth-consciousness, even as the gnostic individual would be an individual soulpower of it:
· it would have the same integration of life and action in unison, the same realised and conscious unity of being, the same spontaneity, intimate oneness-feeling, one and mutual truth-vision and truth-sense of self and each other, the same truth-action in the relation of each with each and all with all; this collectivity would be and act not as a mechanical but a spiritual integer.
· What is necessary is that there should be a turn in humanity felt by some or many towards the vision of this change, a feeling of its imperative need, the sense of its possibility, the will to make it possible in themselves and to find the way…
· The inner change can begin to take shape in a collective form only if the gnostic individual finds others who have the same kind of inner life as himself and can form with them a group with its own autonomous existence or else a separate community or order of beings with its own inner law of life.
· It is this need of a separate life with its own rule of living adapted to the inner power or motive force of the spiritual existence and creating for it its native atmosphere that has expressed itself in the past in the formation of the monastic life or in attempts of various kinds at a new separate collective living self-governed and other in its spiritual principle than the ordinary human life.
· A gnostic being will possess not only a truth-conscious control of the realised Spirit’s power over its physical world, but also the full power of the mental and vital planes and the use of their greater forces for the perfection of the physical existence. This greater knowledge and wider hold of all existence will enormously increase the power of instrumentation of the gnostic being on his surroundings and on the world of physical Nature.
7.15 Need of a Collective Aspiration
A harmonious collective aspiration can change the course of circumstances. Collective harmony is the work undertaken by the Divine Consciousness; it alone has the power to realise it.
Our ideal, therefore, is fixed, — to become one with God and lead individually the divine life, but also to help others to the divine realisation and prepare, by any means, humanity for the kingdom of God on earth.