
Sanjeev Patra
3 min readNov 25, 2020


Man invented, achieved a lot, and broke impossible limits

Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Space Tourism, Drones

Internet, Gene Editing, Bringing water from Moon and Mars,

The pacific mystery to climbing Mount Everest

But Man’s highest heights of intelligence is peanuts

Before the Divine Consciousness and Creations

Without the Divine, he is nothing but ignorance, chaos, and impotence.

As Intellectual Man forgets one thing completely

To become humble and simple and well-behaved.

He becomes the Only animal in the world who

Goes into depression and suicide despite knowing brain mapping techniques

Faces emotional turbulence of fear, anger despite knowing heart replacement

He fails to win over death, disease, and decay despite

Claiming to be the most omnipotent and omniscient.

Only Reason for this human folly and stupidity

He kicks out his own creator God

As he enjoys and wastes the time gifted by the Divine.

He forgets that his entire life as a gift from the Divine

All his properties are temporary forces, not permanent

Nothing is all his own that he creates: prosperity, knowledge or power

As all his territorial claims are Divine’s Assets.

Nothing stays with man permanently except the soul

Neither material prosperity

Nor his six-pack growth in physical

Nor overloaded Information on his head

But will the most intelligent animal, the Man ever

Know his folly and gross stupidity?

Know his highest intelligence is peanuts before the Divine?

Come out of these trapping illusions of money, power, and sex?

Stop dancing like a slave to their tunes?

Control his thoughts, desires, and other inner challenges?

Overcome his anger, depression, suffering, and death?

Realize his true self, his true potential?

Time to be humble and admit finally and

Feel that separate “I” does not exist

As “Supreme” controls, creates and carries everything

We are all parts and creations of that One Eternal Divine

Because “Humility to the Divine” is the only right attitude

For this realization, Man has to be humble first.

But true humility is humility before the Divine

To live each moment with loving gratitude to the Divine,

As this is the Need of the Hour

To respect the call of the Divine

To show absolute and integral humility for the Divine

To save humans from all acts of stupidities and chaos

To cultivate spiritual humility, Man should

Show Truth, nobility, and disinterestedness in his actions

Live life without any desire or attachments

Feel that he is a dot in the Supreme creation

And He is nothing without the Divine Grace

Accept the great Divine sanction when he gets a blow, or a pain

A Man will be truly humble when he:

Places himself before the Divine

Refers himself every time to the Lord and His Instrument

Stops judging people or things or revolting

Feels that he is only a Divine Instrument

Breathes from the breath of the Divine

Gets the eternal and universal joy and delight in his psychic

Does all works for the Supreme Divine

Understands everything with His Love and Knowledge

When a Man becomes humble, he will

Start to realize the Divine in things and people

Have no sense of superiority, pretensions, or doubts

Be open to all with no jealousy or prejudice

Stay grounded and down to earth at his very roots,

Feels that he is an intermediary state between the psychic and the Divine

Remove the words from his outer life forever -

I, Me, Mine, Our, I think, I feel, I see, My Way, My own, My understanding,

A Perfect Humility with Divine will lead to

A condition of full realisation

A life full of sincerity, delight and genuineness

Growth in consciousness for the sake of harmony

Concrete surrender and love for the Divine

A belief that Divine is the only safeguard and the happiness

A strong will power and aspiration that can erase our past Karma

A chance to unite with the Supreme

Spontaneous starting point of Yoga Sadhana



Sanjeev Patra
Sanjeev Patra

Written by Sanjeev Patra

Believer in Sri Aurobindo’s Integral Yoga and His Vision of Universal Unity and Supramental Consciousness. “Man is not final, He is just an intermediate being”.

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