Divine Protection

Sanjeev Patra
16 min readJul 26, 2020


What is Divine?

- The Divine alone is true – all the rest is falsehood.

- The Divine alone is real – all the rest is illusion.
- The Divine alone is life – all the rest belongs to the kingdom of death.

- The Divine alone is light – all the rest is semi-obscurity.

- The Divine alone is love – all the rest is selfish sentimentality.

- And yet the Divine is everywhere, in the ignorant man as well as in the sage.

- And yet the Divine is everywhere, in the sinner as well as in the saint. — (The Mother)
We are always in the presence and under the protection of the Mother. The pressure and help of the Mother’s Force is always there.

What is Divine Protection?
Divine protection, in its true and real sense, means the soul’s welfare so that nothing can bring harm to it or be an obstacle to its happy growth and divine fulfilment.

(- Nolini Kanta Gupta)

Divine Protects our souls from all hostile forces (both outer and inner) and from all adverse forces in the Living state and even after death. We are all breathing here and enjoying our life with the Grace of the Divine Mother.

There is no better protection than the Grace. Keep confident and all will be all right . - The Mother

Divine Protection is Present Always
The grace and protection are always with you. When in any inner or outer difficulty or trouble do not allow it to oppress you; take refuge with the Divine Force that protects. It is true that the Divine Protection is always around us, but it works completely only when we are faced by dangers which were unavoidable; that is to say, when doing some work for the Divine if dangers suddenly rise on the way then the protection works at its best. But to take up some work that is, after all, not at all indispensable and not even surely useful and which is extremely dangerous, counting on the divine protection to save us from all possible consequences, this is a movement which is like a challenge to the Divine, and the Divine Will never agree to it.

Divine Protection is given to all Even if one is not aware of the Divine

It is at each instant of our life that the Lord saves us so wonderfully and so simply that in our blindness we do not even know it. It is only when we remain quietly in His arms untouched by what comes from the others that we can see and feel His wonderful protection.

Q. If one is not aware of the divine presence, can one enjoy the divine protection?
The Mother: There too it depends on the case. It may occur; it is not always like that, but it may occur. It may happen that the divine grace is given to someone without his knowing anything about it. This even happens more often than one thinks.
Types of Protection:

- A Protection that which can be given only by the Divine is known as Integral Protection.
- The protection resulting from surrender to the Divine – Psychic Protection

- Surrender to the Divine is the best Emotional protection.

-Physical Protection is possible only with a total surrender to the divine and absence of all desire.

- Protection in the mind, the vital and the physical – Triple Protection.

- A protection working not only on life as a whole but on each of its details- Manifold Protection.

Protection against others’ Bad Will
The Mother says: Your soul is (here conscious and active in your body, and your soul is strong with the Lord’s Strength. That will protect you against any bad-will that others can throw upon you. Now you will feel that the Truth is sure to conquer. My love and force are all around you.

Supramental Protection
Supramental Power also protects the new race of the Earth from other earthly elements. It is not an artificial power, external and false, but the true strength, the triumphant Will.

Supramental action, even before being an action of harmonisation, illumination, joy and beauty, might be an action of power, to serve as a protection. For this action of supramental power to be truly effective, it would have to be founded on Knowledge and Truth and Love and Harmony; but these things could manifest, visibly, little by little, when the ground, so to say, has been prepared by the action of a sovereign Will and Power.

There must first be a basis of perfect balance, the balance given by a total absence of egoism, a perfect surrender to the Supreme, the true purity: identification with the Supreme. Without this basis of perfect balance, the supramental power is dangerous , and one must on no account seek it or want to pull it down, for even in an infinitesimal quantity it is so powerful and so formidable that it can unbalance the entire system.

Q. 2. How can we create a wall of Divine Protection around ourselves even during sleep or in waking state? What are the prerequisite conditions to get this protection?

How to create a wall of Divine Protection always:

1. Let us give ourselves entirely and sincerely to the Divine and we shall enjoy His protection

2. Concentrate more constantly on the Divine Presence and the protection will be more spontaneous.

3. Our progress depends upon our keeping ourselves open to the Force of The Mother.

4. We should reject calmly, quietly and steadily all suggestions and invasions of other forces. Especially we must reject the nervous excitement of the vital

5. A calm and quiet strength in the nervous being and the body is the only sound basis. It is there for you to receive, if you open to it always.

6. By loving consecration and faithful service allow the Divine protection to be with you in your aspiring concentration for integral transformation.

The Mother says: Before going to sleep, pray not to go there again, and to remain under the divine protection. On my side I shall do what can be done to help.

This subconscient world is one of the places where wander those who have put an end violently to their physical life. It is wiser to avoid going there at all.

It is in the subconscient that you went last night; in the subconscient where are accumulated all the past impressions, thoughts feelings, emotions, fears disgusts, etc., rejected from the aspiring consciousness, but still hoping to come back at the surface at the first occasion it is a world of concentrated falsehood where all is distorted, falsified, degraded. It is one of the places where the divine is not only denied and unknown but violently disobeyed and rejected.

What are the Conditions for Divine Protection?

1. Believe in Only One Safety:

The Mother: What is your special virtue, your special merit for which you should be so specially protected? In the Divine alone is there safety….Nothing is in safety except what is given to the Divine….who has faith is in safety everywhere.

2. Should Have Full Faith

Huta : Mother, you wrote: “The dangers are great and many. The task is difficult and long …..” You can do everything. I know. You can change impossibilities into possibilities. You can lighten the difficulties whatever they are. You can also shorten the long distance. Only, please let me have true understanding, true discrimination and unshaken faith and confidence in you to collaborate fully.

The Mother: “What I can do is to help those who have full faith, realise in this present life what, otherwise, take hundreds of lives to realise”.

“Keep sheltered in my arms-they will protect you against everything.”

3. Should Live in the Truth

One must not pretend, one must be. That one must be absolutely sincere and not cover up one’s desires with fine theories.

If you always live in the Truth, it will protect you.

4. Should be In Close Contact with the Divine

When we are in close contact with the Divine, a protection can come which helps or directly guides or moves us; it does not throw aside all difficulties, sufferings or dangers, but it carries us through them and out of them — except where for a special purpose there is need of the opposite. — Sri Aurobindo

5. Should think and surround yourself with Lord’s Peace

When you think of the Lord’s Peace it acts as a call, and the more you think of it the “ more you surround yourself with it, which is the most powerful protection. — The Mother

6. Should not Demand Divine Protection and its timing and Action

One has to have faith, confidence, aspiration but one cannot bind down the Force as to when, how and why it will act.

ONE should not expect too much from the Divine Protection, for constituted as we are and the world is, the Divine Protection has to act within limits, Of course, miracles happen, but we have no claim to it.

7. Should not have any distrust or disobedience of the Divine

For distrust and disobedience are like falsehood (they are themselves a falsity, based on false ideas and impulses), they interfere in the action of the Power, prevent it from being felt or from working fully and diminish the force of the Protection.

8. Should be ready to give up everything for the sake of the Divine

People sleep, they forget, they take life easy — they forget, forget all the time.… But if we could remember… that we are at an exceptional hour, a unique time, that we have this immense good fortune, this invaluable privilege of being present at the birth of a new world, we could easily get rid of everything that impedes and hinders our progress. So, the most important thing, it seems, is to remember this fact; even when one doesn’t have the tangible experience, to have the certainty of it and faith in it; to remember always, to recall it constantly, to go to sleep with this idea, to wake up with this perception; to do all that one does with this great truth as the background, as a constant support, this great truth that we are witnessing the birth of a new world. We can participate in it, we can become this new world. And truly, when one has such a marvellous opportunity, one should be ready to give up everything for its sake.

9. Should not allow any doubt to enter our Consciousness

Normally we are under Divine protection, but when we permit doubt to infiltrate into our consciousness and open the way to fear — mental, vital, physical- then we fall ill, or meet with an accident. While there are both internal and external causes of illnesses, the former are the more crucial.

10. Should avoid all vulgarity in speech, behaviour and acts

True strength and protection come from the Divine Presence in the heart. If you want to keep this Presence constantly in you, avoid carefully all vulgarity in speech, behaviour, and acts. — The Mother

11. Should not break the triple equilibrium of Mental, Vital and Physical.

All illnesses, all, whatever they may be (I would add even accidents) come from a break in equilibrium in — mental, vital, physical. Not only due to disequilibrium in each of the parts, but also in the three parts in their mutual relations.

12. Should not be Slaves of the Vital Beings

In those who are slaves of vital beings, the desire for truth and light and spiritual achievement, even if it at all touches them, cannot balance the desire for money. The Protection goes away from those having vital desires for money, power and sex. No attachments, no desires, no impulses, no preferences; perfect equanimity, unchanging peace and absolute faith in the Divine protection: with that you are safe, without it you are in peril. And as long as you are not safe, it is better to do like little chickens that take shelter under the mother’s wings. The Mother says vital as a veritable hell.

None can reach heaven who has not passed through hell.
The Mother mentions: This quotation means that in order to reach the divine regions one must, while on earth, go through the vital, which in some of its parts is a veritable hell. But those who have surrendered to the Divine and have been adopted by Him are surrounded by the Divine protection and for them the passage is not difficult.

The vital world is quite different from the physical subconscient which is closely connected with human beings. The vital world is inhabited by vital beings who are not human, some are very beautiful and resemble gods, some are hideously ugly, but all or almost all are antidivine and try always to turn human beings away from their divine goal. The vital world itself in its higher regions is very beautiful, dangerously beautiful and attractive — in its lower parts it is dark and frightful. One must not go into the vital world without a special purpose or command and a special protection.

Your prayer, “There should be in my life only one Love, one Truth that is the Lord.” is exactly what I always want and will always want for you.

Huta : Mother, you wrote, “One must not go into the vital world without a special purpose, command and a special protection.” True. But what are special purpose or command and a special protection ?

The Mother: ”What I mean by special purpose is a work given by the divine who then gives His special protection.

Huta: Do you make anyone go there ?

The Mother: I send nobody purposely into the vital world. But have helped several people who were in the habit of going there.

How can we feel the Divine Presence and protection all the time?

1. Have Absolute Faith

In moments of trial faith in the divine protection and the call for that protection; at all times the faith that what the Divine wills is the best. It is what turns you towards the Divine that must be accepted as good for you — all is bad for you that turns you away from the Divine.

2. Belief that the Inner Godhead always Guards and Protects us

For the inner Godhead never imposes herself, she neither demands nor threatens; she offers and gives herself, conceals and forgets herself in the heart of all beings and things; she never accuses, she neither judges nor curses nor condemns, but works unceasingly to perfect without constraint, to mend without reproach, to encourage without impatience, to enrich each one with all the wealth he can receive; she is the mother whose love bears fruit and nourishes, guards and protects, counsels and consoles; because she understands everything, she can endure everything, excuse and pardon everything, hope and prepare for everything; bearing everything within herself, she owns nothing that does not belong to all, and because she reigns over all, she is the servant of all; that is why all, great and small, who want to be kings with her and gods in her, become, like her, not despots but servitors among their brethren. How beautiful is this humble role of servant, the role of all who have been revealers and heralds of the God who is within all, of the Divine Love that animates all things…. And until we can follow their example and become true servants even as they, let us allow ourselves to be penetrated and transformed by this Divine Love; let us offer Him, without reserve, this marvellous instrument, our physical organism. He shall make it yield its utmost on every plane of activity.

3. Be Vigilant of Hostile Forces

We should be ready to face three types of tests:

The most commonplace circumstances, people, the everyday events of life, the most seemingly insignificant things, all belong to one or another of these three categories of examiners. In this considerably complex organization of tests, those events generally considered the most important in life are really the easiest of all examinations to pass, for they find you prepared and on your guard. One stumbles more easily over the little pebbles on the path, for they attract no attention.

Qualities Required to Pass the test

→ For Test By Force of Nature →Endurance and plasticity, cheerfulness and fearlessness.

For Test By Force of Divine & Spiritual Force →Aspiration, confidence, idealism, enthusiasm and generosity in self-giving.

For Test By Hostile Force (Most Deceptive) →A constant state of vigilance, sincerity and humility is required so as not to be caught by surprise or unprepared.

4. Put the Lord between you and the people

When you are among people, put the Lord between you and the people. Thus your whole being will be protected. You will be in His Protection like a cocoon and nothing can penetrate your being. — The Mother

5. Drive off all Kinds of Fears and Apprehension

Be it any diseases or any untoward incidents, the first thing is that we should drive off all fear from our lower vital centres.

If you want to get cured there are two conditions. First you must be without fear, absolutely fearless, you understand, and secondly you must have a complete faith in the Divine protection. These two things are essential.

6. Practise Sincerity - Total and Absolute

Sincerity alone is your protection on the spiritual path. If you are not sincere, at the very next step you are sure to fall and break your head. All kinds of forces, wills, influences, entities are there, on the lookout for the least little rift in this sincerity and they immediately rush in through that rift and begin to throw you into confusion.

Before doing anything, beginning anything, trying anything, be sure first of all that you are not only as sincere as you can be, but have the intention of becoming still more so. For that is your only protection.

Make Body as the Conscious Fortress

We have to make the call of the Divine Consciousness in the Physical, because human body is a natural fortress of protection. In our fight against the hostile forces of the vital world, — the creatures of falsehood, the agents of evil, the children of darkness, — the human body, with its layers of density and grooves of resistance, is a natural fortress of protection. The Yoga has to be done while in the body, as in a tabernacle, and there is always the infinite reserve power of the Mother to bail us out of our difficulties:

7. Create a Prayerful Atmosphere

When you feel such things and the fear comes in, even in your sleep — instead of thinking, (which certainly you must do) “here again are these people throwing their bad will and their falsehood upon me” — (or something similar), you must not think, and immediately call the Lord or me or both and pray, “here again I am attacked — help me, protect me, let your love and power be like a shield around me to prevent these adverse forces from touching me. And you go on praying and repeating your call, thinking of nothing else until the attack is over — This is the surest, the safest and the quickest way. And if at any other time you can succeed in thinking only of the things that do not disturb you, you can also little by little minimise the attacks and make your life more peaceful.

We can take the example of Huta’s prayers: I am always with you, you are in my arms which are around you with love and protect you lovingly.

8. Practise Nama Japa

The name of the Divine is usually called in for protection, for adoration, for increase of bhakti, for the opening up of the inner consciousness, for the realisation of the Divine in that aspect. As far as it is necessary to work in the subconscious for that, the name must be effective there.

9. Practice Collective Meditation and Prayers

A Collective Prayer and a Meditation for the Divine Mother is required to invoke the Divine Grace, and Protection. A prayer done collectively will have more effect than an individual prayer. Meditation in community level will have a power to stop the catastrophe or any calamity.

This yoga is a collective yoga, not an individual sadhana. In Integral Yoga, we do not consider an individual as an isolated, distinct and separate entity. We are part of this universe, a universal force, a universal wave. Individual life is the meeting ground of all the incoming and outgoing forces of this universe. We have to find the outside within our inside. We have to find the root cause of solution of the outer problems inside us only leaving our little ego. The Centre of this universe lies within us, in our soul or the psychic centre. This secret sense of identity within us can connect us with all other centres of every human beings. We need to realise that One Self of Supreme has multiplied into so many spiritual identities. We need to collectively illumine that fire of aspiration, ignite the Light within, invoke the Force within, purify our beings in a collective manner rather than individually.

10. Should know how to Isolate Oneself in an Atmosphere of Protection

Besides, there is always a way of isolating oneself by an atmosphere of protection, if one knows how to have an extremely quiet vibration, so quiet that it makes almost a kind of wall around you. — But all the time, all the time one is vibrating in response to vibrations which come from outside. If you become aware of this, all the time there is something which does this (gesture) like this, like this, like this (gestures) which responds to all the vibrations coming from outside. You are never in an absolutely quiet atmosphere which emanates from you, that is, which comes from inside outward (not something which comes from outside within), something which is like an envelope around you, very quiet, like this — and you can go anywhere at all and these vibrations which come from outside do not begin to do this (gesture) around your atmosphere.



Sanjeev Patra
Sanjeev Patra

Written by Sanjeev Patra

Believer in Sri Aurobindo’s Integral Yoga and His Vision of Universal Unity and Supramental Consciousness. “Man is not final, He is just an intermediate being”.

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